Oils , acrylics and watercolor
Painting Oil on canvas
Oil painting on canvas is one of the most common mediums of painting. A technique, used by the old masters besides watercolors , is especially useful because the painting remains wet for a long time permitting additions and corrections with ease. Brushes are small , medium and large . The pigments come in tubes and are of a large range of colors. Vivid pictures , with strokes showing, they give you a real and vivid feeling of the subject. This medium , though largely overtaken by acrylics, is very popular with artists.

A reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Farmhouse in a Wheat Field near Arles ” done in oil on canvas.
The adjacent painting is done in the traditional method. However , new methods like wet on wet are becoming very popular. A yhick underpaint of white is layered with thick pigments with a i inch and two and a half thick brush made of pure boar split bristles . Added to a liner brush, a fan brush and flat brush are also useful.Another tool used is a pallete knife for forming highlights.
A minimum of pigments suffice like Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow, Permanent Red, Alirizon Crimson, Patholo Green, Prussian Blue, Van Dyke Brown, Sap Green.
Painting Acrylics on canvas
Considering the drawbacks of oil paints, it is extraordinary what the old masters achieved. How they would they have loved acrylics ! Acrylic paints are an incredibly versatile medium that can be used for a huge range of painting techniques to create an array of techniques.
Acrylics can be used both thick and thin and you can even work diluted paint over solid applications, something you cannot do with oils.
The quick drying properties of acrylics make it ideal for achieving crisp edges where needed. Using just one set of tubes you can recreate every traditional style and technique- oils , watercolor, gouache- and invent new ones in the exciting realms of mixed-media.
Being entirely water based there are no smelly solvents to create fumes give you a headache , or pose a fire hazard.

This is an original painting done in acrylics.
Painting in water colors

This is an orioginal painting done in watercolour on paper